
Welcome to you, by wishing you a Hello. My name is Harley Madison, I live in Clevedon in the North Somerset area.

My work?

I work as a consultant and secretary in a computer shop in Clevedon, we repair and troubleshoot desktop and laptop computers and also Gamiog computers and mobile phone repairs.

Learn more about my activities?

Clevedon and Somerset are wonderful to discover on hikes and horseback riding, I like to do sports and go out in the forest or by the water with my family.

Learn more about my passions?

I love painting and contemporary art as a passion, I love travelling, I love going out with my family during trips and sightseeing, my last trip is to France in Paris, it was wonderful.

Learn more about my family life?

I have been married for 5 years, I have two adorable children and a husband’s love at home.

It’s me in the photograph

Harley Madison